Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are you ready?

How long must we dance around the possibility of reformation? Who has the courage to stand in the face of adversity and declare their own destiny? Not stopping at anything to accomplish the will of God. We can no longer sit idly by while the rest of the world continues on. There is no time to waste pondering at the pool of popularity! My way is narrow, my journey is rough, and my companions are few. I will not let up, I will not be bought, and I will stand firm in the faith to which I have been called! Living for Him is to die to self. Our desires, wishes, and plans should consistently take second place to the plans that God has for us. Rise up, take your place, answer His call, refuse to turn back to the desires that we so desperately clung to in days of old, be ye holy, for He is holy!!!!
God’s ways and thoughts are higher than our own. Do we dare undertake the mind of Christ? Forgetting that which is behind and pressing on to that which is ahead. I say foolish is the one who tries to balance both God and the world. It can’t be done. No man can serve two masters, he will love the one and hate the other! We’ve made living for God a hobby, trying to fit it into our lives; when, we should be laying down our life and following Him in all we do. God has big plans for you! He wants to raise you up higher than you’ve ever imagined. Higher than you may feel you want to go, but who are we to tell God what we’ll do? God has put gifts and talents in each of us that are to bring Him glory and honor! Don’t sit on the sidelines watching to see everything unfold. God wants you on the field. You have a purpose and a destiny to fulfill. Dare to walk on the water.